Effective communication is crucial for sharing research findings with a broader audience, including non-specialists like school children, young people, citizens, and the general public.
Communication activities can encompass a variety of formats, including public talks, seminars, workshops, podcasts, videos, and press articles.
In this page, you find two kinds of communication activities.
- Talks and workshops
- Media outreach
Talks and workshop
For the wider public
- “Quali futuri per la montagna. Approcci partecipativi e co-creativi con le comunità del Bellunese”. Public talk for the event “Pensare come la montagna. Cambiamenti e qualità del paesaggio agrario: territori alpini e di pianura”, Fondazione G.E. Ghirardi Onlus, 16/11/2024;
- “Agricoltura sociale: stili di vita e stili rurali, autoproduzione e alimentazione.” Online seminar for the Talk Series of Centro Studi, Documentazione e ricerca in Agricoltura Sociale di San Vito al Tagliamento, 27/4/2023, https://bit.ly/44eiX7q;
- “Ritessere comunità: quali, come, perché. Riflessioni dalla ricerca-azione”. Public talk at the Fondazione Lanza – Centro Studi in Etica Applicata, for the Talk series “Orientarsi nella transizione”, 7/3/2023;
- “Processi trasformativi e nuovi sguardi su limiti e libertà”. Public talk at the Cultural Festival “Oltre Le Vette 2022”, Belluno (IT), 15/10/2022;
- “Progetto pilota GAL 4.0 – Verso una nuova generazione dei Gruppi di Azione Locale: risultati e prospettive”, public talk with L. Secco, R. Da Re. et al, 19/05/2022, Belluno (IT);
- Invited speaker at the Official inauguration of the “Science is Wonderful Exhibition”, EU Research & Innovation Days, 10/11/2021;
- “Once Upon the Future: A children’s book.” Virtual stand at the Science is Wonderful Exhibition, EU Research & Innovation Days, 22-24/9/2020 [in English and Italian];
- “Care and participatory design. A learning journey towards sustainability transformations.” Public talk at the Nodus Talks series, Helsinki Design Museum (FI), 28/11/2019;
- “Apprezzare il potenziale della comunita’ attraverso prospettive e metodi della ricerca sociale per la sostenibilita’.” Workshop with a group of female residents of the therapeutic community “Il sorriso”. Imola (IT), 12/7/2019.
For schools
- Hackaton Soundiversity II, co-tutored a workshop for high-school students, part of the Event “Sorsi di Scienza”, Festival della Scienza di Verona, 6/5/2024;
- Fiera delle Idee, co-facilitated a one-day fair with high-school students, final event of the project Rigenera Montagna, 21/3/2024;
- “Sguardi e parole dei giovani sul territorio – il Photovoice Lab”, workshop for the high-school students of Istituto Agrario Della Lucia, for the projects Rigenera Montagna and VERVE, Feltre (IT), 19/12/2023;
- “Laboratorio di Photo-Voice: Osservare per Rigenerare. Presentazione del progetto.” Two seminars for the high-school students of Dal Piaz school, for the projects Rigenera Montagna and VERVE, Feltre (IT), 1/4 and 15/4/2023;
- “Prospettiva di genere e cambiamento sostenibile” online workshop for the project Youth4Equality, 10/6/2021;
- “Cambiamento climatico e giustizia sociale. Alcuni spunti di riflessione.” Video presentation delivered to citizens and high-school students, for the project Scuole in Rete, based in Belluno (IT), 17/11 and 18/11/2017.
- “Con gli occhi di un’altra. Capire la sostenibilità da una prospettiva di genere.”Workshop for high-school students, for the project Respect Equality, Feltre (IT), 20/12/2017;
Media outreach
Online short Articles, Podcasts & Videos
- “Conversations about creativity and eco-social change”, video for CreaTures video series, August 2022;
- “Performance accademica & etica della cura”. Podcast for Trust Podcast Series, Politecnico di Torino, June 2021;
- “For humans only: China’s quest for sustainable urbanization.” China-US Focus. Commentary, co-authored with D. Brombal, 28/11/2018;
- “Climate change activism with Chinese characteristics“: The role of domestic and foreign NGOs.” Article for Asia Dialogue (University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute), 11/5/2016;
- “Partecipazione pubblica e governance ambientale in Cina”, Article for Orizzonte Cina, 6 (4), 7-9, 2015.
Selected blog posts
- “Appreciating beauty and connection as a sustainability scientist.” Voices for Sustainability Blog, Helsinki University, 3/3/2022;
- “Overcoming the fear of the page: the SUSPLACE Children’s Book learning journey continues.” SUSPLACE project blog series, 24/10/2018;
- “Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! And the Earth is transformed!” SUSPLACE project blog series, 23/11/2017;
- “Snapchatters, here I come! Talking sustainability with teens.” SUSPLACE project blog series, 15/12/2017;
- A full overview of the periodical blog activity on SUSPLACE website related to my research & other co-creative projects.
Interviews for Media Outlets
- “A Palazzo Bembo si apre la mostra Osservare per Rigenerare”, video Interview for local television channel Telebelluno, 9/10/2023;
- “Quale futuro per la montagna? Dobbiamo costruirlo con i giovani”, Interview for the local newspaper Amico del Popolo, 13/4/2023;
- “A community of scientists committed to improve the world”, interview for the Marie Sklowdoska-Curie Actions website, 11/2/2021;
- “Donne nella scienza: Sfida vinta.” Interview for the local newspaper Il Gazzettino di Belluno, 12/2/2021.
- “Sustainability: An arts-based methods toolkit for transformative engagement.” Interview for DiPiU International Magazine, with the Re.imaginary collective, 08/2018, no. 3, pp. 18-21.
- “‘Respect Equality’ incontra la ricercatrice Moriggi per ‘Formare ed informare, prima che la violenza si manifesti’”. Interview for the local newspaper La Voce del Nordest, 9/1/2018.
- “Angela Moriggi, ricercatrice alla scoperta del mondo.” Interview for the local newspaper Legnago Week, 20/1/2018.
- “L’ex caserma Piave ‘Esempio europeo.” Written interview for Il Gazzettino di Treviso, 1/9/2017.
“Agi China – I dilemmi della Cina tra crescita e sviluppo sostenibile.” Radio interview for Radio Radicale, 21/7/2015.