Angela Moriggi

Over the years, I have collaborated on numerous international and national projects. Here is a list of the most relevant ones.

  • VERVE – Co-creative visioning processes for transformative social innovation in rural areas, University of Padua, EU H2020 – MSCA IF – GA no. 101025710; 

  • Green4C – Green for Care, University of Padua, ERASMUS + – KA n. 612623-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA;

  • Rigenera Montagna, University of Padua, (Coordinator: Fondazione G. Angelini Centro Studi sulla Montagna), Fondi FORMAT, Cariverona;

  • Seren – Valle della Biodiversità, University of Padua, (Coordinator: Comune di Seren del Grappa), Fondi HABITAT, Cariverona 2022;

  • GAL 4.0 – Verso una nuova generazione dei gruppi di azione locale, University of Padua (Coordinator: GAL Prealpi e Dolomiti), Fondi da Cassa Rurale Valsugana e Tesino, Cassa Rurale Dolomiti, e Prealpi San Biagio;
  • SUSPLACE – Sustainable Place Shaping, Wageningen University and Research, EU H2020 – MSCA ITN n. 674962; 

  • RECOMS – Resourceful and Resilient Communities, University of Coventry, EU H2020 – MSCA ITN n. 765389;

  • GLOCOM – Global Partners in Contaminated Land Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, EU FP7 – MSCA IRSES n. 269233; 

  • EPSEI – Evaluating Policies for Sustainable Energy Investments, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, EU FP7 – MSCA IRSES n. 269327;

  • POREEN – Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental Industries, University Institute of European Studies, EU FP7 – MSCA IRSES n. 318908.

I am currently a Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of:

  • TRANSGAGE – Improving local democratic engagement in green energy transition – a transdisciplinary approach, coordinated by Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden) and the Norwegian Research Centre (Norway), and submitted to NordForsk (Nordic Council of Ministers); 

  • CAREFUL – Towards careful green transition, coordinated by the University of Eastern Finland, and submitted to the Finnish Academy (Strategic Funding Council).

Different project activities. From left to right, top to bottom: experiential learning outing for Rigenera Montagna; collective brainstorming for Susplace; mentors’ group picture at the Rigenera Montagna’s Idea Fair; focus group with Chinese experts for GLOCOM; sensory awakening introduction for VERVE+Seren Valle della Biodiversità.

Various project activities. From top to bottom: experiential learning output for Rigenera Montagna; collective brainstorming for Susplace; group photo of mentors at the Ideas Fair for Rigenera Montagna; focus group with Chinese experts for GLOCOM; introduction to sensory awakening for VERVE+Seren Valley of Biodiversity.