Angela Moriggi

This page contains all my publications.
Featured publications are important milestones on my learning path. The rest of the page lists published and work-in-progress outputs.

1. Featured publications

2. Publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals

2.1 In progress

  • Moriggi A., et al. “Regenerative thinking through PhotoVoice with youth: exploring socio-ecological relations in a rural mountain-area.”

  • Moriggi A., et al. “A care lens to explore transdisciplinary and transformative practices in academia”.

  • Dalla Torre C. et al. “A festival for creating transdisciplinary knowledge on commoning practices in rural habitats”.

  • Dalla Torre C., Moriggi A., Gatto P. “A framework of value-driven reconfiguring processes to repurpose commons”.

  • Laycock Pedersen R., Nikulina V., Chineme T., Subroto S., Robinson Z., Winkler K., Luederitz C., Metson G., Malmborg K., Moriggi A., Lam D.P.M., Partelow S., Bhurekeni J., Cockburn J. “Differences between transdisciplinary and action research in sustainability science”.

  • Brombal D. et al. “Relational pathways to Environmental Impact Assessment: A co-creative protocol for transformative planning”.

2.2 Published

  • Horcea-Milcu AI, Dorresteijn I, Leventon J, Stojanovic M, Lam DPM, Lang DJ, Moriggi A, Raymond CM, Stålhammar S, Weiser A, Zimmermann S. 2024. “Transformative research for sustainability: characteristics, tensions, and moving forward.” Global Sustainability, 7:e14. doi:10.1017/sus.2024.12

  • Moriggi A., Soini K., Franklin A., Roep D. 2020. “A care-based approach to transformative change: ethically-informed practices, relational response-ability & emotional awareness.” Ethics, Policy & Environment, DOI: 10.1080/21550085.2020.1848186

  • Moriggi A., Bock B., Soini K., Roep D. 2020. “Caring in, for, and with nature: an integrative framework to understand Green Care practices.” Sustainability, 12 (8), 3361. DOI: 10.3390/su12083361

  • Moriggi A. 2020. “Exploring enabling resources for place-based social entrepreneurship: a participatory study of Green Care practices in Finland.” Sustainability Science, 15, 437-453. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-019-00738-0

  • Brombal D., Niu Y., Pizzol L., Moriggi A., Wang J., Critto A., Jiang X., Liu B., Marcomini A. 2018. “A participatory sustainability assessment for integrated watershed management in urban China.” Environmental Science & Policy, 85, 54-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.03.020

  • Du Y., Wang X., Brombal D., Moriggi A., Sharpley A. Pang S. 2018. “Changes in environmental awareness and its connection to local environmental management in water conservation zones: The case of Beijing, China.” Sustainability, 10 (6), 2087. DOI: 10.3390/su10062087

  • Solini G., Moriggi A. 2018. “Capitale sociale e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in Cina. Un’analisi della letteratura recente in lingua cinese.” Sulla Via del Catai, 19, 87-105. ISSN: 1970-344-9

  • Brombal D., Moriggi A., Marcomini A. 2017. “Evaluating public participation in Chinese EIA. An integrated Public Participation Index and its application to the case of the New Beijing Airport.” Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 62, 49-60. DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2016.07.001

  • Brombal D., Moriggi A. 2017. “Institutional change in China’s sustainable urban development: A case study on urban renewal and water environmental management.” China Perspectives, 1, 45-56. DOI: 10.4000/chinaperspectives.7196

  • Deng Y., Brombal D., Farah P., Moriggi A., Critto A., Zhou Y., Marcomini A. 2016. “China’s water environmental management towards institutional integration. A review of current progress and constraints vis-a-vis the European experience.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 113, 285-298. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.08.022

3. PhD thesis

Moriggi A. 2021. “Green Care practices and place-based sustainability transformations: A participatory action-oriented study in Finland.” Wageningen University and Research.

4. Book Chapters

  • Moriggi A. 2022. “An ethos and practice of appreciation for transformative research: Appreciative Inquiry, care ethics, and creative methods” in Franklin A. (Eds.) Co-creativity and engaged scholarship. Transformative methods in social sustainability research. London: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI:

  • Hassink J., Moriggi A., Senni S., Hense E., de Moor D. 2020. “Caring agricultural and food practices” in Duncan J., Carolan M., Wiskerke H. (Eds.) Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 126-141. ISBN: 9781138608047

  • Moriggi A. 2017. “Investigating the gender inequality and climate change nexus in China” in Buckingham S., Le Masson V. (ed.), Understanding climate change through gender relations. London and New York: Routledge, pp. ISBN: 9781138957671

5. Other publications

5.1 Invited contribution to high-level Policy Reports

(July 2021) Provided a short brief about “Feminist care ethics and sustainability transformations” as invited contributing author to the Transformative Change Assessment Report (Chapter 1) performed by IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services).

5.2 Toolkits and Reports

  • Moriggi A., Soini K., Vehmasto E., Roep D., Secco L., Uosukainen M. 2023. Caring for people and nature: A Summary Report on Green Care and place-based sustainability in Finland. Helsinki: Natural Resources Institute Finland – Luke. https// 978-952-380-566-8

  • Secco L., Moriggi A., Da Re R., Pisani E., Burlando C., Gallo D. 2022. GAL 4.0. Verso una nuova generazione dei Gruppi di Azione Locale. Padova: Università degli Studi di Padova

  • Pearson K. R., Backman M., Grenni S., Moriggi A., Pisters S., Vrieze A. de. 2018. Arts-based methods for transformative engagement: A toolkit. Wageningen: SUSPLACE. ISBN: 9789463432641 – 91

5.3 Science Popularization Volumes

Axinte L., Moriggi A., Romero M., Papangelou A., Pearson K., Vasta A. 2022. Once upon the future: Everyday adventures that change the world. Anthology of children stories on sustainability and place-based leadership. Babidibu Libros.

5.4 Non-peer reviewed Journal Articles

  • Moriggi A., Secco L. 2023. “Tessere comunità per una trasformazione sostenibile: la filosofia sociale incontra la ricerca-azione”, Etica per le Professioni, 1/2023, “Orientarsi nella transizione: la questione energetica tra etica, economia e politica.”

  • Moriggi A. 2021. “Practicing care-full scholarship in research, education & collaboration: An analytical framework”. Zenodo; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5095175

  • Moriggi A. 2017. “Chinese women at the forefront of environmental activism: Wang Yongchen, Liao Xiaoyi and Tian Guirong.” DEP (Deportate, Esuli, Profughe), 35, 206-227; ISSN: 1824 – 4483

  • Moriggi A. 2016. “Una prospettiva di genere sui cambiamenti climatici. Vulnerabilità e adattamento, discorso internazionale e gender mainstreaming.” DEP (Deportate, Esuli e Profughe), 30, pp. 38-57. ISSN 1824 – 4483 [In Italian].